Thursday, March 10, 2011

As I pointed out here

As I pointed out here, the indictment against AIPAC chief lobbyist Steve Rosen and his sidekick, AIPAC

policy analyst Keith Weissman, details one incident that occurred on June 3, 2003, when the Pentagon’s

top Iran policy analyst, Larry Franklin met with Israeli diplomat Naor Gilon at the Pentagon Officers

Athletic Club:

“The discussion centered on a specific person, not in the United Status government, and her thoughts

concerning the nuclear program of the Middle Eastern country and, separately, certain charity, efforts

in Foreign Nation A [Israel].”

At the time of the Franklin-Gilon tete-a-tete, the first inquiries into Valerie Plame’s role in

sending her husband to Niger were being made, including by Walter Pincus of the Washington Post. The

previous week, on May 29, Libby had made inquiries at the State Department about Plame: by the end of

the first week in July, Libby was moving into high gear on the Plame matter, going to the NIKE SHOX,

and the State Department, and finally confirming Plame’s identity and background with Vice President

Dick Cheney on June 12.

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