Friday, April 1, 2011

In Coactive Coaching

In Coactive Coaching, the authors point out just how “visible” our values really are, “Though values are intangible, they are not invisible to others. You can walk into MBT Tembea Shoes a room of strangers and get a sense of what people value by what they wear, how they stand in the room, how they interact with others, and with whom they interact. You know something about their values just by their presence in the room.

You can sense the values in the room: power, friendship, intimacy,connection, independence, fun, and more.” What are the values others see in you? Why not ask them and add them to your list of top values. This information will be critical to achieving your goals more quickly and with more passion. MBT Karani, NOW Set The GoalOnce you know your key values, take some time to set the goals needed to accomplish your vision that ALSO align with the values uncovered. How might this look?

Let’s use the following example: The vision - ABC Corporation is recognized and respected as a leading provider of family healthcare solutions Some key values – Making a difference, Knowledge sharing Business need – Improve sales through increasing current customer base Value-based Goal - “I MBT Tembea Coffee, will increase sales $10,000 by helping 50 new clients improve their heart health through the use of my XYZ product this year.”

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