Sunday, January 9, 2011

If you’re in town this Monday night, please go check out the very talented Megan Mayhew Bergman

If you’re in town this Monday night, please go check out the very talented Megan Mayhew Bergman,

author of “Housewifely Arts,” issue #142, as she reads at KGB as part of the “Raconteur Presents

Bennington in Manhattan” reading. Other writers reading include fellow colleagues from Bennington

College’s MFA Writing Seminar: Willa Carroll, Liz Arnold, Jeremy Oldfield, Robert Hansmann, Lisa

Alexander, Hannah Tennant-Moore, Jennifer Acker, Alex Dawson, and the acclaimed poet/Bennington

professor Timothy Liu.

The Raconteur is a bookstore in central New Jersey known for its eclectic in-store programming and

literary road shows. It has been called a literary center of gravity by The New York Times, a literary

landmark by Time Out New York, and a literary sanctuary by the London Guardian.

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Headed by executive director Manuel Gonzales, OS author of issue #66, “Pilot, Co-Pilot, Writer“, The

Austin Batcave runs workshops and tutoring for kids in Austin Public Schools. This entirely non-profit

and underfunded project provides an indispensable opportunity for these young writers. In addition, it

relies on a strong network of volunteers dedicated to giving these kids the support they deserve. The

Batcave is totally free for the kids, their parents, and their teachers.

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