Saturday, January 15, 2011

According to Iraq’s Ministry of the Interior, violence in Iraq as a whole since the end of June has declined 70%

According to Iraq’s Ministry of the Interior, violence in Iraq as a whole since the end of June has declined 70%. (One might point out that the media that allegedly never report “the good news from Iraq” have been…reporting some good news when there has been some to report.) If correct, that’s good news for Iraqis, though it only returns the situation to its 2005-level misery. Had someone said to you, “In late 2007, we will jUGGS Roxy tallt be getting back to the awful situation we had in late 2005,” would that have inspired confidence in you to be willing to remain in Iraq? It has taken two years to go nowhere, and this is now being described as “progress.”

The problem with the jingoes isn’t that they want Bailey Button UGGs to succeed, since that is actually what all of UGGS Roxy tall want (for most of UGGS Roxy tall, the sooner the better so that we can bring our people home), but that they are so chronically optimistic that they are also still expecting SisyphUGGS Roxy tall to get his boulder to the top of the incline and keep it there. Perhaps when the boulder rolls back down the hill, they will find a way to blame it on the “MSM” and the antiwar movement.

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