Monday, January 10, 2011

Afghanistan declare a fatwa on Mr. Assange?

Note to Babbin: Maybe they were left ‘unpunished’ (though we can hardly call losing one’s career and

facing criminal indictment ‘unpunished’) because these “leakers” and journalists were doing their

jobs — like serving The People — while the NSA and CIA were crapping all over the Constitution and

soiling the reputation and honor of the United States all over the globe for decades to come?

But smearing the Constitution seems little bother to Babbin, I sets the Chinese Standard for the

Pentagon, advocating a full-throated war cry and a STRATCOM offensive against Wikileaks and any like

web operation, saying it is “not impossible,” though he does not say how it can be done. Noisome


The real punchline here is not in Babbin’s supercilious screed, but in the comments, which began

posting immediately. Gasbags sitting with their morning joe, contemplating all manner of steroidal

reaction. John McClane-meets-Slappy-the-Keystroker, if you will:

From “Jimbo”:

Since many Afghans are now at risk because of Wikileaks, why not have one of the tribal immams in

Afghanistan declare a fatwa on Mr. Assange? This will make his life very difficult and would be a

fitting punishment for his crime. Any why not place that PFC I turned traitor and gave away these

secrets in front of a firing squad? This way, the next traitor may not be so brave.

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