Thursday, January 13, 2011

If a single rocket is fired from Gaza territory

If a single rocket is fired from Gaza territory, does that mean that everyone living in that area has

automatically forfeited their life? The New York Times notes today that Israeli supporters believe that

“the issue of proportionality… is a false construct because comparing death tolls offers no help in

measuring justice and legitimacy.”

And we are obliged to accept whatever exonerations are offered by the IDF and their apologists. Max

Blumenthal had an excellent piece on Huffington Post on the response to the initial IDF attacks on

Almost as soon as the first Israeli missile struck the Gaza Strip, a veteran cheering squad suited up

to support the home team. “Israel is so scrupulous about civilian life,” Charles Krauthammer claimed

in the Washington Post. Echoing Krauthammer, Alan Dershowitz called the Israeli attack on Gaza,

“Perfectly ‘Proportionate.’” And in the New York Times, Israeli historian Benny Morris described

his country’s airstrikes as “highly efficient.” …. “It was Israel at its best,” Yossi Klein

Halevi declared in the New Republic.

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