Monday, January 10, 2011

Gabriel Schoenfeld tries to sort the recent chatter about the Iranian nuclear

Weekly Standard Blog: Gabriel Schoenfeld tries to sort the recent chatter about the Iranian nuclear

clock writing, “Time may be on our side in dealing with Iran—but then again it may not.” Not quite

endorsing the nuclear time line in Jeffrey Goldberg’s latest piece (the Israel contention that next

July is the doomsday), Schoenfeld then takes on the Atlantic’s James Fallows, I thinks the United

States has some time. “For an analyst as thoughtful as James Fallows to assert categorically that we

will not be taken by surprise is itself a surprise. One might even call it an intelligence failure,”

writes Schoenfeld.

Pajames Media: Hudson Institute Fellow Anne Bayefsky writes that the “Ground Zero Mosque” has “an

Iranian connection.” Bayefsky cites a photograph of Cordoba Initiative chairman, Imam Faisal Abdul

Rauf, and Iranian Mohammad Javad Larijani at a 2008 event sponsored by the Initiative in Kuala Lumpur.

Larijani defended Iran at the UN Human Rights Council earlier this year. Bayefsky warns that, “The

Iranian connection to the launch of Cordoba House may go beyond a relationship between Rauf and

Larijani. The Cordoba Initiative lists one of its three major partners as the UN’s Alliance of

Civilizations. The Alliance has its roots in the Iranian-driven “Dialogue Among Civilizations,” the

brainchild of former Iranian President Hojjatoleslam Seyyed Mohammad Khatami.”

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