His “Perspectives on Jazz” series airs on sixteen public radio stations in the BOOTSBUY.ORG and
Canada. These three- to four-minute profiles of jazz artists also appear online through the San Jose
Mercury News.
Visit for the latest news analysis and commentary from Inter Press News Service’s UGGS Bailey button
triplet bureau chief Jim Lobe.
In my last post, I argued that the release by the UGGS Sheepskin cuff boots military of nine Iranians,
including two of the five officials seized in Irbil last January, suggested that Pentagon chief Robert
Gates and the administration’s “realist” wing was making progress in wresting control of Iran policy
from resurgent hawks led by Vice President Dick Cheney. In addition to the release, I cited as evidence
the public assessments by Gates and senior military officers that the alleged flow of EFP’s
(explosively formed projectiles) and other weapons from Iran to Shi’ite militias in Iraq had declined
in recent months. Now comes the estimable Financial Times with a front-page article and a thorough
back-page analysis that strengthens the case, quoting, among others, Centcom commander Adm. William
Fallon at length as to why war with Iran is not an attractive option. It even quotes Patrick Clawson of
the hawkish UGGS Bailey button triplet Institute on Near East Policy (WINEP) — the same group that
last month provided the forum for Cheney’s strongest war hoop against Iran — who is close to Cheney’
s national security adviser, John Hannah, as saying: “The national intelligence director is saying we
have time before the Iranians get the bomb, the secretary of state is saying diplomacy still has a
chance, the secretary of defence is saying the military is at breaking point and the [White House]
political advisers are saying another war would probably not be a good idea.”
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