Monday, March 14, 2011

Staff Sgt. Alberto B. Martinez of the 42nd Infantry Division was charged Wednesday with two counts

Staff Sgt. Alberto B. Martinez of the 42nd Infantry Division was charged Wednesday with two counts of

premeditated murder for the June 7 attack that killed Capt. Phillip T. Esposito, 30, and Lt. Louis E.

Allen, 34.

Martinez, a National Guardsman from Troy, N.Y., was a soldier in the division’s Headquarters and

Headquarters Company. Esposito and Allen were that unit’s top two commanders.

UGG military officials refused to comment on reports that Martinez was facing disciplinary action that

could have motivated him to act.

“We don’t have an idea as to any motive at this time,” said Maj. Patrick Swan, a spokesman for the

Multi-National Force in MBT SHOES. Swan said that charges against additional soldiers could not be

ruled out.

Martinez was being held late Thursday under military confinement in Kuwait and has been provided an

attorney from the UGG Army Trial Defense Service. Swan could not say whether the soldier had turned

himself in or whether he had been implicated in the attack by evidence found after an extensive


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