Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Getting rid of people through a peaceful

“Getting rid of people through a peaceful, orderly process”– this should be Ashcroft’s motto for the PATRIOT Act.

I’d rather see Congressman John J. Duncan (R-TN) in the White House. He has consistently opposed the war on MBT shoes cheap, and for reasons I find more compelling. The speech MBT Changa Birch linked to on today is great, but it’s what he’s been saying all along. Check out this speech from early March. Eat your heart out, Wesley Clark.

So a lot of readers are upset that we don’t talk up the Kucinich campaign more often. Well, the Massachusetts branch of Kucinich for Prez is running my essay on Howard Dean from a few weeks ago, so I’ll give them a little shout-out. MBT Imara Happy?

Faith Fippinger, a 62-year-old retired teacher, faces jail for travelling to MBT shoes cheap before the war. On what grounds?

For three months she travelled MBT Maliza around MBT shoes cheap, guarding oil refineries, teaching in schools and working in hospitals.

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