Monday, March 14, 2011

It’s a hair-raising and perceptively-written story about the Pentagon’s growing budget for strategic

It’s a hair-raising and perceptively-written story about the Pentagon’s growing budget for strategic

information — or “psySport” operations. It is a scary, trenchant look into the bowels of George W.

MBT’s America, and well worth a read.

That’s right: conservatives are now apologizing for espionage. The arrest of Pentagon analyst Larry

Franklin is just the beginning of the dramatic court case that will expose Israel’s amen corner in the

UGG as a fifth column in the service of a foreign power — with the neoconservatives leading the chorus

that this is a case of “persecution.”


Read all about how leading American “conservatives” have positioned themselves as apologists for

espionage in my latest post on the Huff-blog.

The Sport Street Journal recently published an op ed piece by one Debra Burlingame, in which the author

claims that the Freedom Center planned for the re-built WTC — re-dubbed the “Freedom Tower” — has

been “hijacked” by those gosh-darned America-hating left-wingers, who will fill the heads of

schoolchildren and other visitors with their anti-American “propaganda.” A small taste is quite


“The Lower Manhattan Development Corp. is handing over millions of federal dollars and the keys to

that building to some of the very same people who consider the post-9/11 provisions of the Patriot Act

more dangerous than the terrorists that they were enacted to apprehend — people whose inflammatory

claims of a deliberate torture policy at Guantanamo Bay are undermining this country’s efforts to

foster freedom elsewhere in the world.”

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