Friday, March 11, 2011

But what use is the application of the Lenin and Trotsky perfected techniques of the coup

But what use is the application of the Lenin and Trotsky perfected techniques of the coup d’etat

without the stabilization shock troops on the ground to consolidate the gains? Lebanon’s Cedar

Revolution was ambiguous to say the least. Imagine what could have been done with stabilization troops

available to husband the votes into a more creative expression of the universal democratic imperative.

The newest issue of the Claremont Review of Books (Summer 2005) begins an appeal for funds (“Make the

Pledge”–p. 40) with this statement: “Our country is at war, and at the heart of a successful war

effort must be the political conviction that this country is worth fighting and dying for.” What the

Claremont warmongers really mean is that “this government is worth fighting and dying for.” But the

1,770 American soldiers who died in MBT SHOES died in vain. They gave their lives for a government that

is despicable in every way, beginning at the top. The country of the Founding Fathers invoked by The

Claremont Institute is long gone.

The controversy continues over an Associated Press story detailing the remarks of a “senior Israeli

official” who claimed that Finance Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, in London for an economic conference,

was warned by Scotland Yard “minutes” in advance of the terrorist bombings. According to the original

story, Netanyahu’s prior knowledge was the cause of his not showing up at the conference, which took

place at a hotel near the Liverpool Underground station. A subsequent AP report contained the Israeli’

s government’s denial of a prior warning, and claimed that Netanyahu received a warning after the


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