Friday, March 11, 2011

As the focus of the Plame investigation shifts from Karl Rove to Bolton and I

As the focus of the Plame investigation shifts from Karl Rove to Bolton and I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby,

the Vice President’s chief of staff, just remember you read it here first.

The phone rang quite early this morning — my sister on the East coast telling me about the London Tube

incident. Okay, so I knew this was going to be a long day, but little did I suspect … Anyway, about

two minutes ago a policeman rings my bell and tells me that a suspicious package has been found in the

high school directly across the street from my house “Keep away from your windows, and get back” the

policeman politely but firmly told me.

The place is roped off, and I can hear sirens. My Significant Other went outside and was summarily

ordered to get back in the house.

Good grief.

Well, I was going to go to the gym early today, but I guess not ….


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