Wednesday, March 2, 2011

As even the dumbos over at acknowledge

As even the dumbos over at acknowledge, Rep. Paul is factually correct. Bin Laden’s

fatwa gave his reasons for the attack, and the savaging of MBT SPORT — pre-invasion — is front-and -


Of all the smears and epithets directed at Ron Paul by the Giuliani camp and the neocons (or do I

repeat myself?), the sleaziest was upchucked by professional opportunist and political chameleon David

Gergen, appearing on CNN’s “Anderson Cooper 360″:

“I think Rudy Giuliani won the night … [Giuliani] seized a moment when Ron Paul sort of opened up

that argument that maybe we had it coming, with 9/11 and Giuliani just jumped into the debate, he

disrupted the debate. To just say no, no, that’s not right and I just don’t agree with that. … [I]t

was like a minor Nashua moment when Ronald Reagan, you know, seized the microphone, there was a quality

here about showing his sort of, not only his anger but strength that I think served him well tonight.”

Ron Paul said no such thing, as is shown here, but that hasn’t stopped the Smear Machine from churning

out lies. To say that US government policies in the Middle East provided grist for Osama bin Laden’s

mill is not to say that the 3,000-plus people he murdered “had it coming,” as Gergen put it.

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