Wednesday, October 27, 2010

you should definitely look into creating a Powerpoint presentation

Whether it's for business or school,
putting together an informative and entertaining presentation can be
stressful indeed. There are few better feelings, however, than a
presentation well-delivered, so here are a few tips to help you get

1.Know Your Subject Matter. Chances are you
wouldn't be doing a presentation unless you knew a little bit about
what you are going to be talking about, but you never know. In the
absence of years of experience, you will have to do as much research
from as many reputable sources as possible. Don't just Google and Wiki
your way through. Get out there and conduct some interviews, talk to a
librarian (they will be only too happy to help), and just really get to
the point where you feel you know your subject inside and out. Not only
will it edify your own knowledge, as well as that of your audience, you
will find that it it a lot more fun and you feel much more at ease if
you know your subject thoroughly.

2.Prepare some A/V Aids.If
you will have a digital projector at your disposal, you should
definitely look into creating a Powerpoint presentation (or something
similar) to enhance your presentation. Make sure that your graphics
help your story along, rather than distract from the narrative. If no
projector is available, look into putting together booklets to go along
with your speech. There are many different styles of booklets, so you
should consult with your local print shop, or take a look around the
internet flr the various options. Different binding styles can actually
convey different things. Some, such a plastic coil binding, don't take
much thought or effort, and if you are presenting, say, an important
business proposal, or pitching your services to a new potential client,
you will probably want to kick it up a notch. Wire-o binding, for
instance, is a great way to add a little touch of elegance to your
presentation materials.

3.Smile and Be Confident.
Easier said than done, we know, but practice in this regard will
eventually make perfect. If you are a presentation rookie, however,
there are a few tricks to help you get over the nervousness. The first
thing is to remember that you are not talking to evil beings that are
out to harm you. They are just people, just like you, and they simply
want to be entertained and informed. Referring back to item number one
on this list, the bettter you know your material, the better you will
come across. Also do all the normal stress-reducing tricks such as
breathing deeply and visualizing a positive result. And it never hurts
to open with a funny and tasteful joke. Let your personality come
through, and you'll be fine.

4.Look for the Unusual.
When you are preparing your material, it never hurts to try and find
the facts that will get the most attention. Not to say you should veer
toward the sensationalistic, but definitely make an effort to find some
details that will draw your audience in, and make your presentation
more personal for them. This will help make your presentation more

5.If You Flop, Don't Sweat It. We've all
been through it. Perhaps you might want to take a class on public
speaking, or join a local organization such as Toastmasters. Public
speaking is a skill that can be learned, it just takes practice and

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